Merry Christmas!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far!! I remember when I was first pregnant, I looked on my calendar to count how many weeks I would be on Christmas. At the time that seemed so far away and now here we are. Baby is inching closer and closer to meeting us and I can't believe I'll have three sweet boys to celebrate Christmas with next year. Here is this weeks update!
Size of Baby: Close to 18 inches and almost 4 pounds!
How I'm Feeling: I feel good! I went to the chiropractor on Thursday for my back and it really does make such a huge difference. I was so nervous to go the first time and it honestly didn't make a big difference after my first adjustment. But as I've continued to go, it has helped me so much. I have been going every other week and by about day ten I can tell it's time to go again because my back really starts to hurt me. The thing that bothers me the most these days is round ligament pain while I'm sleeping. I'll toss and get woken up from the pain. It's so awful! I don't remember doing that as much with my other boys but maybe I did. This belly is just getting so big it's like my body almost can't take being stretched out anymore!!
Cravings/Appetite: Eating too much holiday food.
Clothes: My maternity shirts that I bought last week arrived in the mail and I love them. I wish I had gotten them sooner. They will probably be on repeat over the next several weeks. I'm wearing one of the tops in these photos. They just fit better and are more tailored vs me sizing up in a normal shirt.
Movement: He is slowing down a little but his movements are really big. I had Scott feel of my belly one night because he was moving so much and Scott couldn't believe how big his movements were. He said he thought that was the most he had ever been able to feel one of our babies move and could tell what was his bottom, leg, arm, etc. He kept going on about how neat it was. It is neat! One of the most amazing experiences for me in my whole life is feeling my babies grow and move in my belly. Such an amazing blessing and so miraculous!
Changes in Me: My bump is so different this time than it was my previous pregnancies. It's like he's sitting all balled up in the front whereas it seemed like my other two babies spread out a little more. It's making my bump stick out farther. Around this time with Campbell and Bennett, I started measuring 4 weeks behind and had to have weekly ultrasounds to check their growth. With this baby, I'm measuring a week ahead!! I'd love to believe it's because this baby is going to be bigger but he'll probably be my smallest of the three. Ha! We're going to do an ultrasound at my 35 week appointment to see how much he weighs and how everything is looking in there and I'm super excited and anxious for it.
Baby Purchases: I purchased two new bonnets off Etsy this week. I'm super into the crochet bonnets this time around. They just seem so fitting for a little winter baby!
Favorite Moment This Week: The holidays with my family! Christmas is here!! So many great memories to be made today.
Looking Forward To: Getting our nursery furniture delivered. I'm hoping it's here before next weeks bump-date! I'm so ready to get that room finished and ready for this sweet boy. We've already received everything else for him--bumper, sheets, changing pad covers, lighting, art, etc. We just need his furniture so we can put it all together!! Once it's all done I'm going to wash his clothes and pajamas and start getting everything organized. This momma is ready to nest!!
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