I'm 7 weeks postpartum with my 3rd baby and I've definitely learned what to expect with the postpartum process by now. I had no idea what lied ahead of me the first time, the second time I was prepared, and the third time has been easy peasy. Even my husband commented last night about how much less stressful and chill it is the 3rd time around. You have such a clear timeline in your head of when this and that will happen so you are much less high strung....at least we are! However, doing all you can to prepare for a smooth postpartum process can help so much so here are a few items that have been a necessity for me during all three of my postpartum experiences.
1.) Depends. Just do it. They're so much more comfortable compared to a pad and makes the recovery process slightly more pleasant.
2.) A Yeti of ice water on your night stand. You will experience night sweats for a few weeks. They're miserable and this 3rd time around they were the worst they've ever been for me. Every time I nursed in the middle of the night I was sweating and I was so thankful to have ice cold water on hand to help cool me off.
3.) Another way a Yeti can be helpful? Bottles. If you're doing bottles in the middle of the night, fill your Yeti with warm water and put a prepared bottle in it. That way when your baby wakes up, their bottle is warm and ready to be served! Nothing is more stressful than when your baby wakes hungry and is screaming until that bottle is ready. A warm Yeti with a bottle floating in it cuts out the prep time and you can immediately feed your baby. This works not just for middle of the night feeds too, obviously.
4.) Speaking of middle of the night feedings, consider getting a nightlight to have by your bed. You obviously need to see a little bit but a lamp is too bright for me. A nightlight by my bed and another by my changing station is the perfect amount of brightness while still being dark and not disturbing those precious moments of sleep.
5.) Comfortable lounge clothes. This was something I was unprepared for with my first baby mostly because I didn't really own any lounge clothes. If that doesn't scream new mom I don't know what does. Now lounge clothes make up the majority of my daily wardrobe but before I had kids I had one pair of old sweatpants with holes in them (they were comfy!!) and that was it. I wanted to be comfortable but also presentable for when guests came by to visit and meet the baby. I actually ended up making a quick trip to the mall the week that my first baby was born to shop for cute, comfy lounge clothes since I didn't own any.
6.) Another thing I didn't own pre-kids was pajama bottoms. I usually slept in lounge shirts because I didn't like getting tangled in pants while I was trying to sleep. I quickly learned that, for me at least, pajama pants are a must. When you're going to the nursery to feed in the middle of the night, it can be cold sitting in that rocker without pants. I also realized, after my first baby was a few months old and we would play on the floor together before that first morning nap, that I would feel more comfortable wearing pants vs an oversized night shirt. I ended up finding some pajama bottoms from Gap that are banded at the ankles so they don't ride up and get twisted while I'm sleeping and I've never worn anything else since. I'm so much more comfortable (and warm!) in the morning making my kids breakfast and doing all the things with my pajama pants and cute top to match!
7.) Speaking of being cold during the middle of the night feedings (this is obviously after the night sweats have let up) if your baby is sleeping in their room, consider having a blanket next to their rocker for you to cover up with. I would get so cold while I was feeding my babies plus I just wanted to cozy up with a blanket. You never know how long you may be sitting there holding your baby and it's nice to be comfortable!
8.) Stock up on paper plates and cups so you don't have to worry about doing dishes those first few weeks. You'll be adjusting to your new normal so save yourself the time and hassle and just go paper for a little bit. I even bought disposable casserole dishes to make cooking/cleaning easier.
9.) I always like to stock up on my own personal care items before I have a baby. My husband typically takes care of the grocery shopping and errand running when we first have a baby. He's aware of what laundry detergent we use and the bread we like but he doesn't know what my favorite deodorant is or where the contact solution aisle is since he doesn't wear contacts! I try to make sure I'm good on makeup and toiletries before my babies arrive.
10.) A baby wearing carrier. I didn't baby wear with my first baby. I had several different carriers but didn't like any of them. I was determined to find one I loved with my second baby because I knew I would actually need it so I could still take care of my toddler. I ended up falling in love with my solly baby and wished I had discovered it when I had my first baby. I can get so. much. more. done. when I wear my babies. Plus babies love it since it mimics the womb. Did you know baby wearing reduces infant crying by 43%? It also improves sleep, prevents flat head, regulates your baby's body temperature, helps alleviate colic, calms gas and reflux, aids in digestion and my favorite--keeps those germs away. You hear a lot about "witching hour" but when I wear my babies the witching hour doesn't exist. I think the key is finding a way to baby wear that works for you whether it be a wrap or a sling, etc. But do you and your baby a favor and find something that you love because you will be so thankful for it!!
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