TGIF you guys! This week went fast for me. I don't know about you but I'm really looking forward to my Thanksgiving holiday. I'm in need of a little life break! I'm sure you've noticed that my blog has taken a hit on the lack of posts over the last few weeks. I truly wish that wasn't the case but I've been extra busy these last two months. If any of you don't know, I always do a lot of family photography in the fall. I started three years ago simply because I needed something to do outside of mom life. I wanted a little hobby/side gig. I had been taking photos of my kids for a few years but it made me super nervous to step outside of my own family to take photos and also charge people to do it. I would get so nervous while I was heading to a shoot. Slowly over the last few years my little photography business has grown. Each year more and more families entrust in me to take their photographs. I consider it such an honor and huge compliment that people like my work enough to hire me for such important family treasures. I have been filled with gratitude that I will take photographs for 31 different families over an 11 week period of time. I'm sure for some photographers that number doesn't seem big but for me it seems like so many! I never really remember to think of myself as a real photographer. I know that probably seems silly. Whenever I'm in a group setting and I'm asked to share a little bit about myself, I never, ever remember to say I do photography. I always say I'm a stay at home mom and that's all I do. Then friends will speak up and say "you also blog and you also do photography!!" Oh yeah! I forget. Ha!
I take a lot of pride in my images and strive for them to be the best they can possibly be. I spend hours editing them and I go over each image several times before I actually upload them to a gallery and send them off. I hope the families love them as much as I do. I have been so honored that so many amazing photographers here in Northwest Arkansas, whose work I've been inspired by for years, have recommended me to people. I'm beginning to photograph not just friends anymore and it's such a compliment to me.
Scott and I have often discussed if I would like to grow my photography business into a full time gig by the time all of my boys are in school. I've always loved the idea of having a studio one day. It's a little challenging doing all of this now with such little ones around. The actually process of taking the photos isn't a big deal but the time it takes to edit is limiting. I have to squeeze it in during nap times or after bed or on the weekends. Last weekend I spent my whole, entire Saturday editing images so I could get caught up. It would be much easier to do this full time once my boys are all in school and I can definitely see that being something I would like to explore when the time comes!
For now though, I've felt so grateful for all of the beautiful families I've been able to photograph. I truly enjoy it and I love getting to know these families a little better simply from spending 30-45 minutes with them taking their photos. You learn a lot about each family during that short time and every single kid makes me grin so big while I'm editing their photos. Kids are SO cute y'all. Every single one of them.
I still have a few more weeks before my family photography slows down. This weekend is very full (squeezing in those last sessions in time for Christmas card photos!!) but December slows down quite a bit. I'm thankful for the busy and I'll be thankful for the quiet too! I kind of miss taking photos of my own family so I'll probably be overkill with the Christmas-y photos!!
All of this to say, I am so thankful this season in regards to my photography. I'm also thankful to all of you who are here, reading and checking in, even when nothing is posted. My time spent at my computer these days is in Lightroom instead of blogger but I have so many fun posts I'm planning for the Christmas season and I'm so excited that I will soon have more time to devote to this little space that I have loved for 11 years now!!
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