Today our Campbell turns six years old!! He is an amazing little boy and we are so proud of him! Campbell has had a wonderful year in kindergarten. It is incredible to see how much he has learned in school this year and has been so fun to watch. He can read and he loves math. He also loves all of the friends he has made this year and his teacher is so amazing. We have been blessed with a fantastic first year of school and hope we get to go back before the year is over.
Campbell is still such a huge fan of dinosaurs!! He can tell you anything and everything you want to know about them. He has library almost every week at school and every single time he's had library, he has come home with a different dinosaur book. Aside from dinosaurs, Campbell has recently gotten into Pokémon, Ninjago, and Star Wars--thanks to our recent trip to Disney. Campbell also loves watching YouTube much to my distaste but whatever.
A little less than two weeks ago, Campbell finally decided he was ready to try riding his bike without training wheels. He picked it up that same day and now he rides his bike like a pro! He is always asking if he can go outside and ride his bike so if it isn't raining outside, that's what we're doing!
Campbell has changed SO much this year. I knew he would but it's so crazy to think about. He is a different person in a lot of ways but one thing that hasn't changed is his sweet spirit. I am always getting told by the different teachers at his school what a sweet and precious boy he is. He was given a special award at school in November for always having positive behavior, being on task and offering help to anyone in need. These awards are special to receive and I was and am so proud of Campbell for being such a sweet soul. He doesn't have to be the smartest or most athletic but if he is always kind then that makes me more proud than anything else in this world.
Campbell's favorite food is pasta, his favorite snack is candy (not chocolate) and his favorite color is rainbow. He loves playing with his dinosaurs and he really enjoys doing arts and crafts and playing board games. Campbell's favorite sport is baseball and he can't wait to play again this spring.
Happy 6th Birthday Campbell!! We love you and are so proud of the sweet boy you are. We cannot wait to celebrate you today and hopefully give you the best day ever!!!!
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