Tuesday, June 30, 2020


We have somehow managed to become the go-to play house in the neighborhood. There are a lot of kids on our street and every day, at some point during the day, one of them is knocking on our door to come inside and play. These kids know where I keep the snacks and that they have to take their shoes off if they come inside. Ha! I actually really love it. I like keeping my eyes on my own kiddos (totally a helicopter mom) and the boys love having people pop over to play.
We are really reaching for things to do around here. I set the Wii up for the boys a few months ago and it's been good entertainment! Scott and I got a Wii when we first got married and I remembered I had it stored away in a closet somewhere. I thought the boys would enjoy playing the one game we had that I think may have come with the Wii. They have really enjoyed playing it but started getting tired of playing the same thing over and over. So I got them some new Wii games to play and they came in the mail over the weekend. One of the games is classic Super Mario Bros and y'all. We have had SO. MUCH. FUN playing it. The boys are getting a lot better and I've stillll got it. Ha! It's so crazy because I haven't played Super Mario Bros since I was probably Campbell's age but I remember everything about the game. We needed something fun and new and exciting in our lives and this has done the trick! If you haven't played Super Mario Bros since the early 90's then I highly suggest you start playing!! I think it's even more fun playing as an adult than it was when I was a kiddo. I'm glad the boys have something new and fun to look forward to throughout the day. Between Mario and neighbors coming over, it's turning out to be a pretty fun summer for my boys!

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