Sooooo....guess where I'm spending my new years. Guess. JK. I'm going to Colorado holla!!! My friend, Jacqueline, has a home in Crested Butte and a bunch of us are packing up and taking a road trip to go skiing! Jax asked us months ago if we wanted to go. I waited until just last night to give her a definite answer because I have a tiny little problem. Scott can't go. Work. Such a bummer. I went back and forth with it but I decided to take the opportunity to be with my wonderful friends, in Colorado, skiing, eating fantastic food, making memories. I feel so sad that I won't be with Scott on New Years. But it's either sit at home, all week, off from work, while Scott's not, being bored, doing my same ol' same ol' OR skiing in Colorado. I'm taking the opportunity. It's fantastic and I'm so excited about it!!
A bunch of us went about 4 years ago to stay at Jacqueline's house for Spring Break. It was a fun time but I'm positive this will be way better. We all know what to expect, what the house is like, where the good restaurants are, what the slopes will be like, etc.
So it's gonna be: Jax & Craig. Anna & Austin. Me. Jake. and hopefully Jaclyn. Jaclyn has the week off from work as well but can't decide if she wants to leave Brad behind for New Years because he's in the same position with work as Scott is and can't get off to go. I told her no pressure. She can decide the day before if she wants. Of course we all want her to go. Can you just imagine me, Jake, and Jaclyn on a 15 hour road trip to Colorado? Yes I said 15 hours. At first I searched long and hard for a flight a few months back but they were all about $700 because Crested Butte doesn't have a big airport near it. Just too much....I guess. It'll be alright. Even if Jaclyn doesn't go it'll be me and Jake in a car together and I'm not too concerned with being bored. I'll post videos on my way there maybe.
So I have 2 Colorado problems. The first is that Scott can't go. I hate going on trips without Scott. Even when I was having a blast in Miami with my girlfriends I was really wishing Scott could have been there too :) He's my buddy. There's not a whole lot I enjoy doing without him there with me.
Problem number 2 and quite possibly larger than problem number 1 is my skiing wardrobe. It is uuunnnnnfortunate. So the first time I went skiing I was like, 12. My ski coat is seriously tri-colored with fusha, purple, and blue. Yuck! And my ski pants have elastic around the ankles. They aren't the cool snow-boarding kind. I've been skiing many times since I was 12 but I mean, who wants to spend $300 on a ski outfit when you don't go just all the time. I've never wanted to spend money on a new one. So I thought I'd bite the bullet and go to Lewis and Clarke and check out their stuff. I just can't do it. I just can't spend money on that. I'll never wear that coat unless I'm skiing or there would be the rare, random, off chance Scott and I decided to go camping in November which I never see happening since neither of us are outdoorsy. What am I gonna do? Does anybody have a cute skiing wardrobe I could borrow? Facebook me!! My mom has a cute red coat. I guess I could grab that when I'm home for Christmas. However I would love to have options. Jaclyns looking for something too if she decides to go. Help some girls out!
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