Soooooo what better way to commemorate my 500th blog post than delivering some very big news. Drum roll please........I quit my job yesterday. Yikes! I know. I'm super shocked too. It most definitely hasn't sunk in yet. I woke up this morning and my first thought was 'I quit my job yesterday.' It's crazy.
I've been teetering with quitting my job for a while now. Don't get me wrong I'm in love with my profession. I truly believe it's what I was meant to do and I don't regret for a second leaving the UofA to pursue my dream. I don't know if I can even articulate into words why I've been wanting to leave. I just have lately. Scott and I have talked for months about it and he's always said that he's totally supportive of whatever I choose to do. I've prayed about it and driven myself crazy going back and forth of what I want.
So yesterday our manager called me into the office. He said that he could sense that I'm not happy with the new policies we implemented just this week and wanted to talk about it so he could make sure I'm okay with everything. Of course in typical Kara fashion I erupted into tears (so embarrassing) and told him how I felt about the new policies and just working there in general. Which led my mouth to blurt out 'I think it's best if I leave.' I love The Spa and everyone I work with and I believe I have the best bosses in the world. But I have been feeling for a while that I was wanting to take my life in a different direction and I felt that the Lord had him ask me if I was okay, which led to the perfect opportunity for me to leave the company. So anyways, I called my boss/the owner and told her about my decision and she said Clint had already informed her about it. She said that he said I was very lovely and respectful about the way I left and that sometimes it's just time to move on. I told Cathy that I'm still going to renew my license every year so if they're ever super busy and need someone to come in please give me a call. Or if they need someone to watch the front desk because the person who's supposed to do it is sick then think of me for that too. Clint told me that if in 2 months I think to myself 'why did I quit?' and want to come back then just come back. No big deal. Or if it's even 2 years from now, the door is always open for me to return.
Now for the million dollar question...what are you gonna do now? Hmmm...I have not a clue! For now my title will be housewife. The reason I hadn't left my job earlier is because I couldn't think of anything to do. But sense the Lord presented the perfect opportunity yesterday, I just decided to go on ahead and bite the bullet. I've been really interesting in volunteering lately so maybe I'll look more into that. I may get more involved with my church. Maybe I'll try my hand at substituting again although not with the Bentonville School District. (anyone remember that disaster?) I feel as if my possibilities are endless! I just have to find the right fit. And I'll still get to do the hair of my friends and family of course.
So yeah, crazy huh? It most definitely doesn't feel real but I'm so grateful that Cathy and Clint totally got what I was saying even though it made no sense at all I'm sure. Sooo....that's that. I prefer to not think of myself as unemployed but as simply a housewife! When Clint asked me what my goal with my career was (before I quit) I told him 'honestly my goal in life is to be a mom.' So yeah we're definitely not going to be making the babies because of this but I could take the opportunity to do some major nesting for the next 3 years or so. HA!
Alrighty. I'm done talking about this. It wears me out. Scott is taking me to a special dinner tonight to.....celebrate I guess? He won't tell me where we're going and I love when he surprises me like that. All I know is to be ready at 8. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Enjoy your weekend!
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