Today has been very productive. I woke up and went to Walmart then the Butcher Deli to stock up on groceries (I love the Butcher Deli). Then I cleaned my house. I usually clean my house on either Monday or Friday. I've found it's much easier to clean your house if you do it weekly versus every other week. It doesn't take as long. Plus, my dark hardwood floors look dirty fairly quickly and that bugs me. So every week it is. Just when I was about to get a new cleaning lady to come every week I quit my job. And I didn't inquire Scott about it but I'm fairly certain he would find it ridiculous for me to hire a cleaning lady when I'm a bonafide housewife. I don't mind it though. When you've got plenty of time on your hands it can actually be quite enjoyable. (I'm such a grown up. Who would've ever imagined I would say that.) 45 minutes on the elliptical and a quick stop at the Beauty Supply later, I'm back at home, freshly showered, and watching Holly look out the window barking at a parked car that just pulled up at our neighbors house. She just loves any opportunity to feel like an actual dog.
My spray tan that I got a week ago has basically already faded. It cost me $26 to get that thing and I'm not sure I want to pay $26 every week for a tan. So I went to the Beauty Supply and got an old faithful--Tan Towels. I used them a lot in Memphis because I couldn't ever find a good tanning salon to go to when I lived there. Tan Towels are great! I don't know why I didn't just do them to begin with. It's like a baby wipe and you just rub it all over and it doesn't smell and you can put your clothes and makeup on right away. It comes with a pack of 10 but I use 2 at a time so I can get extra dark (I secretly wish I was Hispanic or Armenian I think). Anywho, if you're wanting a cheap fake bake I would suggest the Tan Towels. I get them at the Beauty Supply for a discount but I think I've seen them at Dillards before. There's my Kara tip for the week. You're welcome. Okay, time to get dinner prepped. I bought Mahi Mahi and I've never made it before so this should be interesting. Wish me luck!
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