TGIF! Since I skipped on blogging yesterday why don't I catch you up with that day first. As I previously reported, the battery in my car needed to be replaced so I drove to Acura in Fayetteville to get it fixed. Scott told me to have them check my tires since I've not gotten new ones since I've owned the car (3 years). After waiting in the lobby for the quick 20 minute battery change, they came and told me my tires were bad. In tire terminology, they're supposed to be at a 12-10 and mine were a 3! They said it would be dangerous to go much longer without a change so I told them to fix me up. O.M.G. I had no clue that tires were so expensive!!! It was sickening. I could have gotten that Chanel bag I've been craving for the cost of those 4 stupid tires. THEN, they said it would take about 3 hours and they didn't have a loner car but a shuttle could take me to the mall. Better than sitting there for sure but 3 hours at a mall is a very long time especially when you aren't in a shopping mood. Anywho, my car is all fixed up and call me a guy but I actually can tell a difference with the new tires.
Today was interesting. I was very excited/sad to watch Regis' farewell show. I've grown up watching that show and have hardly missed an episode in the last 6 or 7 years. Just as expected, the tear flows started the second I saw Kelly Ripa's sad face. I thought the show was done perfectly and I wouldn't have changed a thing about it. Well, I would change one thing. I guess I forgot to mention that while all this was going on I had a cleaning lady at my house. Its Randy's cleaning lady, Esperanza, and it's the second time she's cleaned my house. I noticed when she was here 2 weeks ago that she never used my little Scrub n Bubbles flushable toilet wand so I assumed she just didn't clean the inside of the toilet. Still, I was concerned that maybe she cleaned them last and used the regular bathroom brush but forgot to tell me so I threw them out and bought new ones just in case. So today, in the middle of Regis and Kelly, I saw her cleaning the spare bathroom. I heard the toilet flush so I peeked around the corner to see how she was cleaning it. I was horrified to see her use the bathroom brush to clean the toilet then head straight for the sink with the same brush!!! AHHH. Die. Literally. I called Randy to tell him and he was just as disturbed as me. If you know me, I hate an awkward moment so I just didn't say anything and decided I would clean it after she left. THEN, later on I saw her sweeping the floors with a broom she found in my garage. You know, the outdoor broom you use to sweep away dirt, leaves, dead bugs, etc. By this point I'm just plain grossed out. Needless to say, the second she left I did some serious sanitizing in my house. Even though she's super sweet, she wont be back. I paid her to clean my house then had to go back and clean it myself. The saying is totally true---If you want something done right you just have to do it yourself. Unless a really good (sanitary) cleaning lady can do it better. Randy and I are officially on the hunt now. If you live in NWA and have a cleaning lady who knows how to properly clean a house please Facebook me!
Have a nice weekend everybody!
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