Friday, December 2, 2011


It's the weekend and I'm pretty pumped about it! It has, so far, been off to a great start! I went to bed pretty early last night and I'm pleased to report I actually got a good night's sleep!! I was so refreshed when I woke up and have had a ton of energy all day long. Those of you who get good sleep every night should feel very lucky and not take it for granted. I slug around basically every day so feeling totally rested and rejuvenated is an amazing feeling!
Scott decided to work from home today. He does that occasionally and I love it! Even though he's working it's nice to have his company around! While he worked I got in a good sesh of Yoga followed by a 40 minute walk (Just wasn't in the mood for a hard cardio today). After lunch I got ready to go to Fayetteville for a wine tasting.
A Presqu'ile wine tasting to be exact. I got an email from them saying they would be in Fayetteville so I marked it on my calendar and made sure I made it down. I love Presqu'ile! The Murphy's, of El Dorado, are the winemakers of it and Matt (who I went to high school with) was in town today for the tasting so I thought it would be fun to go and talk vino (and the Razorbacks) with him. We visited for about 20 minutes while I sipped a little Pinot, Chardonnay, and Rose' and it was nice to catch up! Of course I walked away with an armload of Presqu'ile. You can't go to a tasting and not buy the wine right?

I'm excited about my new purchases and I know I will get a large amount of enjoyment out of them! So what does one wear to a mid-day wine tasting? I dunno. But I went with this.
M'kay, Scott isn't going to work tonight so I'm taking advantage of that and insisting on a date night. My preference is Basils. My favorite restaurant in Rogers also known as Scott's least favorite. Boo! He doesn't like the atmosphere. He thinks it's too quiet. Sometimes quiet is romantic don't you think? Enjoy your weekend folks!

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