Hi friends! Ready for a little decorating fun?? I am so let's get to it!!

This is the office in our new house. It's the first room to the left of the front door. It's so beautiful with all of the waynescoting and the french doors. Also, the ceilings are coffered (I die for coffered ceilings) which adds extra prettieness. Needless to say, there's lots of trim going on in here!! When searching for a house an office was a necessity for us because Scott works from home almost every single night. I wanted a space that was just for him and his 2 computers and dozens of papers that wasn't our dining room table! Que this beautiful room!

While scouring pinterest I learned that I really like desks that look more like a table. I didn't want a big chunky desk. I wanted a small delicate desk as seen in this inspiration photo. I also discovered that I was always drawn to black desks. Desks are pretty hard to find!! I've been searching for months. Then one day this week Scott and I were shopping and ta-da!

We saw this desk at Pottery Barn! It's exactly what we want. Simple, small and black! We're going to place this desk against the wall that is to the left of the french doors. Scott and I think a desk can tend to look pretty ugly. There's the ugly computer and all the wires and the messy papers. Since this is the first room you will see when you walk in the house we didn't want anyone to get a messy feeling of our house right when they entered it. So the desk will be almost hidden and not the focal point of the room. Instead, what we're going to do is put two chairs and a little accent table against the main wall (that's showing in that photo). That way it pulls off a semi sitting room/office feel. Ultimately I would love to put up book shelves on the wall that's to the right of the french doors--but that may have to come later. I'm not even sure how that would work with all of the waynescoting but I'm sure it could be figured out. I do love floor to ceiling bookshelves--especially in an office. I feel like they really cozy your house up, plus, it's a great way to display my ever growing snow village at Christmas time!!
We haven't found the chairs yet and we're not quite sure how we want them to look--pattern or solid. I guess we'll know when we see them.
I also want to drape the windows with a beautiful curtain. I love these photos and will possibly copy if I can find the drapes they used!

I love the orange in this photo but I don't know if I could do orange. I love the big stripes on these curtains though. I think they're super cute and would be perfect in an office. There is something so elegant about the curtains in the first photo too. Decisions, decisions!! Drapes are last on the to-do list though. My windows will probably look bare for quite a while.
So that's my office inspiration. It's been so fun searching for ideas and I'm excited to pull the office together. I think this room will be a lot of fun!
Do you know if they still have that desks? I looked for desks on the website and didn't see it. We have also had a hard time finding a small black desk...