I ended up having to make a phone call to the IO Metro home offices here in my own little corner in the world. I've been extremely frustrated with them the last few weeks. Scott and I ordered a bed from them 11 weeks ago today. We were told it would take 4-6 weeks to get it in. It's obviously been too long. I've expressed my irritation to the girl I've been working with (who I love and is great and it's totally not her fault) last week. But I decided I needed to take it a few levels higher. I talked to a guy who was so nice and responded exactly how he should have. He agreed that 11 weeks was ridiculous and way too long and totally understood why I was exceptionally irritated. He looked into it for me and said my bed actually came in last week but it came without pieces. They're going to see if the company they ordered it from can send the rest. If not they'll have to re-order. I told him I would have to take a different direction if that's what I end up having to do. I cannot trust this company to deliver a new bed in "4-6 weeks." He understood and promised to keep me updated. It's beyond irritating. I'm sick of looking at mattresses on my floor and I can't decorate my bedroom without a bed. I'm over it.
Tonight we cooked a lovely meal and used tomatoes from my own little garden on my back porch!
I feel bad about how I felt about them yesterday. I was having a really hard Holly day and was just very frustrated. It's challenging having a new dog when you're so used to the perfect one that you had for over 15 years. The expectations are just too high because Holly was (seriously) beyond perfect. I called my Mom late last night and just cried and cried. I want Holly back so badly. Death of a loved one is cruel. A piece of me is gone and I honestly don't think my heart will ever be the same. It will always have a huge hole in it. I love Holly like I don't think most people can comprehend. I've got tears pouring out of my eyes right now just typing this. I miss her so much. Life aches right now.
But also as I type this I have two tiny little 2 pound girls snoozing right next to me and they are so precious. Looking at their faces brings a smile to my face. Madison and Ivy are so stinking cute. They know I'm their Momma and they love me. It feels good to know two little babies could so quickly get attached to me. They deserve so much love and they will, of course, get it 10 fold. I'm going to be better about my expectations. After all, they're only 9 weeks and 6 days old. They have so much to learn!! They're babies. And one day I'll miss when my girls were babies.
PS: Notice anything?
Ivy. Always Ivy. Madison is like 'ehh, whatever.' Ivy worries herself sick when she's away from me. Whenever I go get them in the morning Madison is sitting in the bed awake but casually hanging. Ivy is always sitting right at the baby gate like 'I'm ready!!' So cute these two. Having two is fun. A lot more work--but fun! :)
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