Friday, August 10, 2012


Today was so great! I completed my puzzle (took me forever) laid by the pool and finished my book. Hello lazy Friday--I love you! I haven't had a relaxing day in I don't know how long so it was much needed and very appreciated.

That's literally all I did today. It was so fantastic. Scott and I may have eaten at On The Border for dinner. I just love it so much and I haven't had it in so long! It did not disappoint. They have the best salsa ever.

We have a house guest for the next week! Pretty little Rose is staying with us! Rose is so sweet and such a good little girl. She cracks me up so hard because anytime a dog comes on the TV she goes crazy and barks. I told Scott that I really want to rent 101 Dalmatians this weekend just to see what she'll do.
My weekend is going to be so easy. I'm looking forward to it so much!! Hope you enjoy yours!!

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