I am currently in the car headed to Little Rock and early tomorrow morning I'll be on a plane thats Vegas bound!! Woot Woot!
Today was one of those days where I hit the ground running. After the gym and a long shower I went to get a spray tan. Ugh. Getting a spray tan falls into the same dislike category as cucumbers, slow drivers and the way Obama pronounces Pakistan. I feel sticky, smelly and don't like that I can't wear makeup for the whole day....or so they say. However, I'm pasty white and didn't feel like tan toweling and you know how I like to look like I've been laying on the beach year round. So spray tan was my only option. I can't help but think about Ross and laugh when I get in one of those booths. I'm an eight!!!!!!
I for sure packed way too much. Luckily for me I'm flying Southwest and they let you bring two bags--For Free! So I'm not too worried about my overpacking. I just like to have plenty of options. Although I'm pretty sure I brought tops with no bottoms to match and vice versa.
What am I most looking forward to about Vegas? Hmm, I don't know. Just being there gives me the warm fuzzies. I love that city. Scott and I have planned out most of our meals but we still have a couple of nights where we don't know what we're going to eat. Anyone have any suggestions? I'm always up for trying something new!!
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