Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish The Sentence Part TWO

My friend, Jake, is hosting another link up with his blogging girlfriend, Holly. Ready for another finish the sentence?
1.) If calories didn't count, I would eat.....at On The Border every. single. day. I am so obsessed with OTB. Like, I just want to drop everything and go there right now because I'm talking about it and thinking about how good their salsa is.

2.) On my prom night.....I was bored. I don't really remember much about it because it was super uneventful to me. I had the worst case of senioritis ever and was totally over anything that had to do with high school.

3.) When I go to the store, I always buy.....Organic Spring Mix, Red Bell Peppers and Wine.

4.) Family functions typically.....involve champagne, wine, smooth jazz, good food and Landon trying to talk one of us into giving him money for Legos.

5.) I think my blog readers.....would make me happy if they would actually follow my blog. Nobody would believe me if I told them how many people read my blog based on the lack of followers and comments.

6.) I'd much rather be....traveling right now. Traveling is my favorite. I wish I could take a year off and see the world. I would start with Italy first.

7.) I have an obsession with.....J Crew, chocolate covered strawberries and pretty shoes. Oh and On The Border, duh.

8.) My work friends.....Umm, I don't have any of those. #HousewifeProblems

9.) When I created my Facebook account.....it was November 26, 2004. Or so says my Facebook timeline. My friend, Hannah, was the first person to tell me about it. I used to spend hours looking at all of the "groups" people created and I loved getting poked. I think if someone poked me now it would totally creep me out.

10.) My least favorite word is.....Tater. It's potato. Why, WHY would anyone say tater?  I also can't stand the way Obama pronounces Pakistan but that's a whole other thing.

11.) I really don't remember.....much about my last job. My boss was so cray and I swear it gave me PTSD Amnesia because it was so traumatizing.

12.) Justin Bieber.....seems to be on a slippery slope. I totally see a Brit Brit circa 2007 moment on the horizon if someone doesn't get a hold of him. Poor guy though. He's just broken hearted after his breakup with cutie pie Selena Gomez. We've all hopped on the crazy train after a breakup before. Or well, I have. Yikes, the stories I could tell you on that subject. Jake loves to remind me of them.


  1. aahhhhhhhhahahahahha! the stories, the stories...i laughed out loud at the mention of those stories..and we would eat flying burrito every day if calories didn't count and i was there...love you connie.

  2. Hey you little Tater Tot. I love some J Crew too. Thanks for linking up, Kara!
