Friday, January 16, 2015

I Will Survive.....Maybe

Well.....this has been one of those weeks where I felt like I was barley holding my head above water. I don't know what was wrong but Campbell was so extremely irritable and screamed his little head off all day long. For days and days and days. I will remember this week forever. And of course my Mom was in Vegas this week so she couldn't drive up to save me. Actually, she still managed to save me all the way from Vegas. On Wednesday I was at my breaking point. I guess my sweet Mom felt pretty sorry for me. So, unbeknownist to me, she called Jaclyn to see if she could help and Jaclyn immediately called me and told me to take Campbell to her house so her nanny could keep him for a little bit. I normally wouldn't want to impose but I couldn't take it anymore and was at her house .05 seconds later. Driving around listening to the radio and a yummy tea from McAlisters was all I needed to pull myself back together. God bless those three women.
Yesterday, Campbell was an angel. A perfect angel. I didn't even want to put him down for bed because he was such a joy and it made me sad to say goodnight.
Campbell has always been a hard baby and I really thought that by now, almost 10 months later, he would be easier. We'll have some weeks here and there that are a total breeze. It's what I'm assuming life with normal/easy babies must be like and I'm so jealous of the Mom's out there who have "easy" babies. That must be nice. For whatever reason, God gave me a hard one. My pediatrician always says to me "you usually only have one hard one" and I'm on my knees praying that he is right. I cannot imagine going through this all over again. Yikes.
I will forever remind Campbell that he was rough on me from day one. He made me sick nearly every single day while he was in my tummy and he gave me a whole new sense of the word "survival" during the first 10 months (and counting!!) of his life. He better take really, really good care of me when I'm old and senile.


  1. Ugh. This makes me ache for you, friend. I wish I lived closer and could have come to scoop him up last week. Hope things get better soon! I may have the easy baby now, but I still very vividly feel your pain from my sweet Suzannah. Hang in there!!!!! "This too shall pass"....for real. It will.

    1. If you lived closer I totally would have let you adopt him for the week :)
      He's been much better since Thursday but gah! When will this kid get happy? I'm about to go nuts.
