Now I'm back to waking up early so I can get in my workout before Wells wakes up. I don't like it to be honest because I don't have as much energy and feel like I don't get in as good of a workout first thing in the morning. When he gets a little older and I don't feel like I have to watch him really closely I think I can go back to working out after I have my coffee while he plays in the playroom. For now it is what it is.
Since I seem to have more of a morning nowadays, I figure a good way to spend that time is at the pool! We only have a few more weeks to enjoy it so we may as well take advantage while we can. This morning after breakfast, the boys and I decided to go to the pool!
Wells squeals and is just so happy when he's in the water. Our neighborhood pool is great for little ones because it has the zero entry so Wells just sat there in the water and played with toys and walked around and had the best time. I've taken him to the pool a few times this summer but it can be overwhelming keeping eyes on all three so I don't do it often. Seeing how happy he was today made me want to do it more though. I was also soaking up his cute little self in his swim diaper cover and his precious little sunhat. I wanted to eat him because he was just so cute.
When I was taking these photos of him I said "Wellsy say cheese!" and he said "eeeeeeeesss" and Campbell said "oh my gosh he's so adorable." LOL. Agree, buddy. Totally agree.
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